class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Reproducible data screening and quality control ## Module 3: Time to clean and other options ### Claus Thorn Ekstrøm and Anne Helby Petersen
UCPH Biostatistics ### eRum, Budapest, May 14th, 2018
] --- #Summarizing the errors * What did we find so far? * What didn't we find? --- #Mistakes in presiData: .footnotesize[ * Aragorn Arathorn is included in the dataset. * Trump has "." listed as his first name (firstName). * Obama's presidency duration is listed as infinite (presidencyYears). * Trump's state of birth (New York) was spelled with a lower case "y" (stateOfBirth). * Truman's last name is prefixed with whitespace (lastName). * ageAtInauguration is coded as a character variable. * James Garfield's state of birth (stateOfBirth) has been changed from Ohio to Indiana (state of birth of Jim Davis, the creator of the cartoon "Garfield"). * Calvin Coolidge has had his first name changed to "Hobbes" (firstName). * Eisenhower appears twice in the dataset. * Lincoln has had his date of death changed from 1865-04-15 to 1801-04-15 (dateOfDeath). ] --- #Data cleaning .center[ <img src="pics/datacleaning.jpg" width="60%" /> ] Not the best term ... and should not be unsupervised --- #Data cleaning in R In an R-script: 1. Make a copy of the dataset. 2. Use indexing to locate the problem in the data. 3. Overwrite the faulty value with a correct one - if you know it - or `NA` to mark that information is missing in this spot. 4. Save the copy of the "cleaned" data in a **new** file. --- #Selection - rows/observations Two systems for selecting observations in `data.frame`s in R: By index (row number) or using a logical vector. ```r > (tD <- head(toyData, 3)) ``` ``` pill events region change id spotifysong 1 red 1 a -0.6264538 1 Irrelevant 2 red 1 a 0.1836433 2 Irrelevant 3 red 1 a -0.8356286 3 Irrelevant ``` --- #Selection - rows/observations Four equivalent ways to get the second line of `tD`: ```r > tD[2, ] #indexing > tD[c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), ] #manual logical vector > tD[tD$id == 2, ] #informative logical vector > tD %>% filter(id==2) # Using tidyverse ``` ``` pill events region change id spotifysong 2 red 1 a 0.1836433 2 Irrelevant ``` --- #Selection - rows/observations Use informative logical vectors as much as possible! ```r > tD ``` ``` pill events region change id spotifysong 1 red 1 a -0.6264538 1 Irrelevant 2 red 1 a 0.1836433 2 Irrelevant 3 red 1 a -0.8356286 3 Irrelevant ``` ```r > #Mark non-positive change as missing: > tD[tD$change > 0, "change"] <- NA ``` --- #Selection - columns/variables *ALWAYS* use variable names. ```r > #readable, informative code: > tD[tD$change > 0, "change"] <- NA > > # Indexing by numbers easily becomes > # a source of error by itself: > tD[tD$change > 0, 4] <- NA ``` --- background-image: url(pics/structure.png) background-size: 30% background-position: right ## Finishing up after cleaning Should now have<br> a cleaned dataset<br> that can form the<br> basis for future<br> analyses.<br> With documentation<br> of how we got<br> there! --- # Create codebook Produce a summary document for subsequent analyses. .footnotesize[ ```r > makeCodebook(presidentData) ``` ] Add label (similar to `labelled` package) or extra information .footnotesize[ ```r > pD <- presidentData > attr(pD$presidencyYears, "label") <- + "Full years as president" ``` ] .footnotesize[ ```r > attr(pD$birthday, "shortDescription") <- + "Dates are stored in YYYY-MM-DD format" ``` ] --- class: inverse # Exercise 3 Correct the errors you have found so far. Make sure to make the cleaning process reproducible. Remember **rules 1 and 2**! Create the final codebook with additional information about some of the variables. ```r > makeCodebook(myCleanedData) ``` --- ##Row-wise or column-wise checks? <img src="pics/colrow1.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ##Row-wise or column-wise checks? <img src="pics/colrow2.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ##Row-wise or column-wise checks? <img src="pics/colrow3.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ##Row-wise *and* column-wise constraints! * `dataMaid` performs class dependent checks for each variable in a dataset, one at a time (column-wise) + Pros: Easy to document what was (not) done, let's you get started without a lot of prior knowledge, easy to share with collaborators + Shortcomings: Generally cannot detect internal consistency issues or use non-class dependent variable constraints --- ##Row-wise *and* column-wise constraints! An R-packages that performs row-wise checks: `validate`. Check out the talk on Wednesday @ 14.50 by Edwin de Jonge: **validatetools - resolve and simplify contradictive or redundant data validation rules** Note: Different use of the term "validation" - no longer about format, type and range, but used as synonym to "check". --- class: middle, center # Thank you! Please grab hold of us here or via email .pull-left[Anne<br>[](] .pull-right[Claus<br>[](]