Produce an overview of all functions of class summaryFunction available in the workspace or imported from packages. This overview includes the descriptions and a list of what classes the functions are each intended to be called on.



An object of class functionSummary. This object has entries $name (the function names), $description (the function descriptions, as obtained from their description attributes) and $classes (the classes each function is indeded to be called on, as obtained from their classes attributes).

See also


#> #> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #> name description classes #> -------------- ------------------------------- ----------------------------- #> centralValue Compute median for numeric character, Date, factor, #> variables, mode for integer, labelled, logical, #> categorical variables numeric #> #> countMissing Compute proportion of missing character, Date, factor, #> observations integer, labelled, logical, #> numeric #> #> minMax Find minimum and maximum integer, numeric, Date #> values #> #> quartiles Compute 1st and 3rd quartiles Date, integer, numeric #> #> uniqueValues Count number of unique values character, Date, factor, #> integer, labelled, logical, #> numeric #> #> variableType Data class of variable character, Date, factor, #> integer, labelled, logical, #> numeric #> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #>