Plot the distribution of a variable, depending on its data class, using the base R plotting functions. Note that basicVisual is a visualFunction, compatible with the visualize and makeDataReport functions.

basicVisual(v, vnam, doEval = TRUE)



The variable (vector) to be plotted.


The name of the variable which will appear as the title of the plot.


If TRUE, the plot itself is returned. Otherwise, the function returns a character string containing standalone R code for producing the plot.


For character, factor, logical and labelled variables, a barplot is produced. For numeric, integer or Date variables, basicVisual produces a histogram instead. Note that for integer and numeric variables, all non-finite (i.e. NA, NaN, Inf) values are removed prior to plotting. For character, factor, labelled and logical variables, only NA values are removed.

See also


# NOT RUN { #Save a variable myVar <- c(1:10) #Plot a variable basicVisual(myVar, "MyVar") #Produce code for plotting a variable basicVisual(myVar, "MyVar", doEval = FALSE) # }