This function is a tool for easily specifying the checks argument of makeDataReport. Note that all available check function options can be inspected by calling allCheckFunctions().

setChecks(character = defaultCharacterChecks(),
  factor = defaultFactorChecks(), labelled = defaultLabelledChecks(),
  numeric = defaultNumericChecks(), integer = defaultIntegerChecks(),
  logical = defaultLogicalChecks(), Date = defaultDateChecks(),
  all = NULL)



A character vector of function names to be used as checks for character variables. The default options are available by calling defaultCharacterChecks().


A character vector of function names to be used as checks for factor variables. The default options are available by calling defaultFactorChecks().


A character vector of function names to be used as checks for labelled variables. The default options are available by calling defaultLabelledChecks().


A character vector of function names to be used as checks for numeric variables. The default options are available by calling defaultNumericChecks().


A character vector of function names to be used as checks for integer variables. The default options are available by calling defaultIntegerChecks().


A character vector of function names to be used as checks for logical variables. The default options are available by calling defaultLogicalChecks().


A character vector of function names to be used as checks for Date variables. The default options are available by calling defaultDateChecks().


A character vector of function names to be used as checks for all variables. Note that this overrules the choices made for specific variable types by using the other arguments.


A list with one entry for each data class supported by makeDataReport. Each entry then contains a character vector of function names that are to be called as checks for that variable type.

See also


#Only identify missing values for characters, logicals and labelled variables: setChecks(character = "identifyMissing", factor = "identifyMissing", labelled = "identifyMissing")
#> $character #> [1] "identifyMissing" #> #> $factor #> [1] "identifyMissing" #> #> $labelled #> [1] "identifyMissing" #> #> $numeric #> [1] "identifyMissing" "identifyOutliers" #> #> $integer #> [1] "identifyMissing" "identifyOutliers" #> #> $logical #> NULL #> #> $Date #> [1] "identifyOutliers" "identifyMissing" #>
#Used in a call to makeDataReport():
# NOT RUN { data(toyData) makeDataReport(toyData, checks = setChecks(character = "identifyMissing", factor = "identifyMissing", labelled = "identifyMissing"), replace = TRUE) # }