The MESS package contains a mix of functions.

There is no real connection between the function except they have all been created by the same person, and they range from computational functions, graphical functions, statistical analysis functions, utility functions, and function that extend other packages.

This vignette gives an overview of the package and shows some examples.


Statistical analysis

QIC.geeglm Quasi Information Criterion
adaptive.weights Compute weights for use with adaptive lasso.
common.shared Compute a common shared environment matrix
drop1.geeglm Drop All Possible Single Terms to a geeglm Model Using Wald or Score Test
drop1.geem Drop All Possible Single Terms to a geem Model Using Wald or Score Test
extended.shared Compute a common shared environment matrix
feature.test Inference for features identified by the Lasso
geekin Fit a generalized estimating equation (GEE) model with fixed additive correlation structure
gkgamma Goodman-Kruskal’s gamma statistic for a two-dimensional table
mfastLmCpp Fast marginal simple regresion analyses
onemargintest Two-sided table test with fixed margins
power_binom_test Power Calculations for Exact Test of a simple null hypothesis in a Bernoulli experiment
power_mcnemar_test Power Calculations for Exact and Asymptotic McNemar Test in a 2 by 2 table
power_t_test Power calculations for one and two sample t tests with unequal sample size
prepost.test Pretest-posttest RCT for quantitative observations with possible missing values

Utility functions

age Compute the age of a person from two dates.
auc Compute the area under the curve for two vectors.
categorize A table function to use with magrittr pipes
cmd Correlation matrix distance
expand_table Expand table or matrix to data frame
fac2num Convert factor to numeric vector
filldown Fill down NA with the last observed observation
ht Show the head and tail of an object
lower.tri.vector Split Matrix by Clusters and Return Lower Triangular Parts as Vector
ordered.clusters Check if unique elements of a vector appear in contiguous clusters
qdiag Fast extraction of matrix diagonal
qpcr Gene expression from real-time quantitative PCR
quadform Fast quadratic form computation
repmat Fast replication of a matrix
rmvt.pedigree Simulate residual multivariate t-distributed data from a polygenic model
rmvtnorm.pedigree Simulate residual multivariate Gaussian data from a polygenic model
round_percent Round vector of number to percentages
scorefct Internal functions for the MESS package
screen_variables Screen variable before penalized regression
segregate.genes Segregate genes through a pedigree
sinv Invert a symmetric positive-definite matrix
tracemp Fast computation of trace of matrix product
write.xml Write a data frame in XML format


col.alpha Add and set alpha channel for RGB color
col.shade Shade an RGB color
col.tint Tint an RGB color
panel.hist Panel plot of histogram and density curve
panel.r2 Panel plot of R2 values for pairs
residualplot.default Plots a standardaized residual
rootonorm Hanging rootogram for normal distribution
wallyplot.default Plots a Wally plot


bdstat Danish live births and deaths
bees Bee data. Number of different types of bees caught.
clotting Blood clotting for 158 rats
earthquakes Earthquakes in 2015
greenland Average yearly summer air temperature for Tasiilaq, Greenland
happiness Happiness score and tax rates for 148 countries
icecreamads Ice cream consumption and advertising
kwdata Non-parametric Kruskal Wallis data example
lifeexpect Estimated life expectancy for Danish newborns
matched Flu hospitalization
nh4 Ammonia nitrogen found in river
picea Ozone concentration damage to picea spruce
qpcr Gene expression from real-time quantitative PCR
rainman Perception of points in a swarm
smokehealth Effect of smoking on self reported health
soccer Danish national soccer players
superroot2 Gene expression data from two-color dye-swap experiment