Five raters were asked to guess the number of points in a swarm for 10 different figures (which - unknown to the raters - were each repeated three times).


A data frame with 30 observations on the following 6 variables.


The true number of points in the swarm. Each picture is replicated thrice


Ratings from judge 1


Ratings from judge 2


Ratings from judge 3


Ratings from judge 4


Ratings from judge 5


Collected by Claus Ekstrom.


The raters har approximately 10 seconds to judge each picture, and the thought it was 30 different pictures. Before starting the experiment they were shown 6 (unrelated) pictures and were told the number of points in each of those pictures. The SAND column contains the picture id and the true number of points in the swarm.


data(rainman) long <- data.frame(stack(rainman[,2:6]), figure=factor(rep(rainman$SAND,5))) figind <- interaction(long$figure,long$ind) # Use a linear random effect model from the # lme4 package if available if(require(lme4)) { model <- lmer(values ~ (1|ind) + (1|figure) + (1|figind), data=long) } # # Point swarms were generated by the following program # set.seed(2) # Original npoints <- sample(4:30)*4 nplots <- 10 pdf(file="swarms.pdf", onefile=TRUE) s1 <- sample(npoints[1:nplots]) print(s1)
#> [1] 120 48 88 32 24 100 52 80 72 96
for (i in 1:nplots) { n <- s1[i] set.seed(n) x <- runif(n) y <- runif(n) plot(x,y, xlim=c(-.15, 1.15), ylim=c(-.15, 1.15), pch=20, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") } s1 <- sample(npoints[1:nplots]) print(s1)
#> [1] 48 24 96 100 52 80 88 72 120 32
for (i in 1:nplots) { n <- s1[i] set.seed(n) x <- runif(n) y <- runif(n) plot(y,x, xlim=c(-.15, 1.15), ylim=c(-.15, 1.15), pch=20, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") } s1 <- sample(npoints[1:nplots]) print(s1)
#> [1] 72 48 24 32 96 52 120 80 100 88
for (i in 1:nplots) { n <- s1[i] set.seed(n) x <- runif(n) y <- runif(n) plot(-x,y, xlim=c(-1.15, .15), ylim=c(-.15, 1.15), pch=20, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") }
#> quartz #> 2